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Exporting .XSI file from 3dsmax vertexes become unweighted Please help.


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HI I am running 3DS max 4 I have all of the assimilate programs set up correctly with usable directory structure and the raven plugins loaded for MAX 4.


The problem I am having is that when I import the root.xsi file into max just to view it without making a change and then export it as a .xsi file the vertices on several items become unweighted.


When I go to assimilate the root xsi file exported from MAX I get a message like this: stupid triangle vertex 1 is un weighted.


I then deleted stupid triangle off and it ignored this during assimilation and told me hips vertices so on and so forth are unweighted.


I have read space monkeys tutorial and the addendum. I have looked around and the few articles are clearly written by people who are proficient with 3DS MAX but not with writing instructions. So are of no help to me. Please do not suggest these writings.


What I am trying to find out is if.


1. When importing the root xsi file in the first place which options should I select as there are several.


2. Is it possible to take one of the root.xsi and model.car that raven gives with the tools and just alter certain things like remove Jan’s goggles then re-export the model and assimilate or do you have to build a whole new model from scratch.



3. If not then my only guess at this point is that I will have to re-weight every darned item Max seems to unweighted for whatever reason.


Help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, please e-mail me a message at cronpa69@yahoo.com

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