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Indy on DVD

Guest Timbaland

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Yeah I read this article back in September. Unfortunatly, I don't believe a damn thing that comes out of George Lucas' mouth. He's in the business of story telling. After I read that he's not going to release any of the Star Wars movies to DVD until the next two are finished, really made me less of a Lucas fan.

He and Speilberg both seem to have this holyer-then-thow attitude that THEY will release all THEIR top movies, whenever THEY see fit! Who cares what the fans want. Isn't that what all this is suppose to be about, the fans? What the consumer wants? Not to them, it's a matter of how they can position their product to when it is marketably feasable for them to do so, and not any sooner. Sure we'd all love a six series box set of the Star Wars movies. But I guarentee you that there isn't a single fan that wouldn't go NUTS for a three series special edition box set RIGHT NOW! Then in six years, we'd all plunk down another $150.00 for the full SIX SERIES.


AS for Indiana Jones, I emailed Paramount about it a couple of weeks ago, their reply to me was it has currently been re-released on VHS, but there were no DVD's currently in development. Of course, that could simply be a big fat lie. Since it's Hollywood, that's the easiest thing to believe.






Fear is the path to the darkside.


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Guest Timbaland

Do you know when The THX versions of the Indy Trilogy comes to Europe? cause i REALLY want to have that one! And do you think that the Young Indy Series will come here to?

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Lucas made the Star Wars movied for himself. Not for fans. It was never about the fans. It was always taking an idea of his and wanting to see it on film.

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I read today over at http://www.thedigitalbits.com/ that the re-issues of the Indy trilogy on laserdisk has been cancelled before they even hit the store shelves. This might indicate that they have cancelled the lower supporter laserdisk, to make way for the higher market DVD's. This is rumor at this point. Nothing is solid, but it makes sense since they have done digital remasters of all three movies.

Lets just sit back and hope.





Fear is the path to the darkside.



[This message has been edited by Damian (edited December 13, 1999).]

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Lucas and Spielberg know that SW and Indy are the crown jewels. I don't think they'll release them on DVD or Laser if they think that cheap, perfect, digital, pirate copies can be made of them.


They've got the luxury of already being filthy rich and being sole proprietor of their own companies, so they don't have to keep the profit machine pumping at shareholder-mandated, ever-increasing rates. They can sit back and preserve their intellectual property until they can guarantee its safety.


If Walt Disney were around, you wouldn't have seen Disney on DVD yet, either.


The only flaw in this theory is that Fox and Paramount have an interest in these movies, and would love to rake in all the cash as soon as possible. But when they're dealing with Lucas and Spielberg, I don't doubt they keep a hand-off attitude, to avoid hurting the relationship.



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I would agree with you except there is one thing you may not be aware of...there are already cheap pirated copies already out there. You can bid on The Phantom Menace on DVD over at EBay right now. There are at least three different versions of it on DVD that came out of Japan. I believe that if there was an announcment that this movie was coming to DVD legitimatly, it would lower the demand for the bootlegs. I bet it won't be long before we see bootleg versions of the digital remastered Indy movies sometime soon as well.






Fear is the path to the darkside.



[This message has been edited by Damian (edited December 15, 1999).]

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Are those digital-to-digital copies (i.e., digitally transferred from LD?)


If not, then Lucas and Spielberg probably don't give a damn.


You can probably buy a Chinese VCD of a handycam pirate of Toy Story 2 right now, too, but why would you want to?



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Not sure what was used in the transfer process. I read that it's a bit better then the "internet version" of The Phantom Menace that floated around a few months ago. I personally wouldn't want it. Especially since it's got Japanesse subtitles through-out the entire movie that can't be turned off.


I've read that Lucas said he doesn't want to use his movies to help "grow" the DVD market, and that he would much rather wait until it's more mature. DVD is getting bigger and bigger every year. You know how I know it's not going anywere for sure? I was in a Walgreens the other day, and they were selling Titanic on DVD at the register. This says two things, one if Walgreens is selling DVD's, then it's a pretty accepted format, AND having it at the register tells me that Walgreens thinks there are enough DVD owners out there that they can consider DVD movies "impulse buys".


Get a clue Lucas. Release the movies we all want!

Like he really reads this stuff)






Fear is the path to the darkside.


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