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Model looks like an alien


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Hey man, sorry for the delay. I've been pretty busy. Holiday weekend and a concert, plus schoolwork. I took a quick look at it. The only thing I can think of is the number of segments you have could be an issue. I haven't dealt much with having more then the standard nine, but I think that each new segment you add needs to be capped and tagged too. It's late here and I have a test in the morning so I can't take the extra time to look up a definate answer for you, but I also didn't want to make you wait any longer.

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I couldn't find the answers in any tutorial but what I suspect is for each new segment you have, you have to cap them and tag them too.


The way each model is set up with each segment having caps on both ends that are names to point to its parent and child objects and tags that let the engine know where the model is to be "cut apart" leads me to believe that you need to do that.


Psych0, what do you think? Is that a safe assumption. I know in THE modelling tutorial it mentions more segments are possible if named appropriately, but doesn't go into detail on how they should be handled.


I'm going to look at every single model I can find until I've found one that will help.

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I reused an raven Model (I hoped it should be easier to learn some things :D ), so the caps are all there. The postions of the tags wont change, because it's an human Model. I thnik it has something to do with my weighting. Maybe somebody have a look at it.

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yeah, my assumption was wrong. I looked at the twi lek model and that has a part (the lekku) that is somehow attached to the head, but isn't even named according to the "additional segments rule".


I'll take another look at your file after work today.

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sorry for the delay. I took a look at the model again and the weighting is certainly off. You have to weight the vertices at the ends of each segment evenly or you get problems like in your screenshots.


To see how to do 50/50 weighting, check out Psych0Sith's website. There's a link there for a mesh weighting tut. It's only text so don't overlook it.

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so. I did the weighting again and you are right it has something to do with it. Now the model looks very similar to the one on the pictures, but everything ist together. No free space between the meshes. but the model has still the same "body-position" (don't know the corect english word).

I think i will give you an update of the max file.

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