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Darth berserker

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Yeah this is actually not hard at all and you don't have to use scripting :D


Ok locate the npcs config file in your assets0.pk3 file. Now go into it with wordpad or notepad or w/e you are using and there should be names of different bots and files on them. You can just change some of the bots to which ever side you want. I think it says friendly to and stuff like that just reverse them and see what you can come up with, I see I might not have been of much help cause I can never explain anything well so just drop me an email, nate@eztopar.com if you still can't get it to work. Or you could post another thing on here, I'll be checking back tommorow.

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000nate, that was a near perfect explanation and that would work(you forgot to mention the ext_data folder, which npcs.cfg is inside). By model converying, Darth Beserker, (I assume you mean either converging or converting) don't you mean waht Nate just said? You specifically said you didn't want to do that. It's merely a one block script, which can be in your setup script. (set>playerteam>enemy)

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