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Stuck! (ns_hideout)


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hey, need help here.. i'm stuck in ns_hideout . the one where they collect garbages and stuffs. frankly speaking, i don't even know where to go. it's the area where there's huge machines chomping down on garbages. i reach there and don't even know where to go... got into this room with a glass wall and at the corner is a cart where i can pull and get into this small corridor where the garbage collector hides to attack you at the door. then, there's this garbage thing which i can push but juz bumps back. what to do!!??

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look around all the big garbage mashers, look at the little funnel things sticking out of the side, you can go up one of them, and through it (use force speed to get through!!), this will eventually lead yo uto the other cart, pull it. now go back the way you came and push the first cart you encountered, to reveal the way out.

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Originally posted by Bilbo Skywalker

look around all the big garbage mashers, look at the little funnel things sticking out of the side, you can go up one of them, and through it (use force speed to get through!!), this will eventually lead yo uto the other cart, pull it. now go back the way you came and push the first cart you encountered, to reveal the way out.


hahhh found it! thanks..

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I'm in the jumping area that you get to after you've found which garbage smasher to climb into and then get out of. I open the door and then shoot the enemy who is firing from that hole in the wall on the right. I step out to the edge of the floor, and make that first fall, then jump over to the left. Then I turn left some more and jump again, over the whole chasm. You turn a bit left and jump again, and then another jump to your right, and you're in a corner, where you pick up a booster pack. Ok from there you use force-speed and duck to make the next 2 jumps. You end up in kind of a little cubby corner - and there is nowhere to go. It's driving me crazy - I am stuck in this small area. I can't jump up to the next level, and I can't find anything to push or pull to help me jump up there. I can jump high enough to where I can see the next platform but that's about it. Also I can shoot the guy walking way up top while I'm bored being stuck.


So what do I do to get out of here? Thanks!!!!

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Okay, well after shooting the rodian (the sniper throught the hole in the wall). Fall down to the next part, then jump to your left, onto the highest block. Now, you should be able to see the little entrance to the next part where you are trying to get to (well you could've from the start, but hey). Jump to the platform just under it, then (i think this is where your problem is) force pull the outjutting block/crate off the ledge, over your head. You can now jump up to the next area!


If this is not clear (as I am explaining from memory) PM, and I'll explain clearly for you!



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Please help. i am very much a novice at this game. i just received my lightsaber where you practice your first jedi powers (after talking with Luke)--I believe in Yavin. I got the lightsaber, but i cannot find a way out? What do i have to do here to get the last door to open?





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Ok, you have to use saber throw (secondary fire) on the spikes suspended by ropes on the locked door. Cut the all the ropes, and the door will open. There is one more door after that, which has a "saber lock" on it. Break it with your saber.

Good Luck

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