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doors....... area portals....... help


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i'm having a very tough time about this...... i created a door that of course leads to another room..... well the door conects to a huge part of the map and other connection room is small..... when i am in that small room....... i get the same amount of fps as usual.... and when i add bots...... if i look towards the door..... fps goes down....... it shouldn't do that.... i made a little hallway 5 grid units thick..... the area portals are not being blocked...... is there any other way i can fix this without moving the entire map apart?

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:mad: well i cant believe no one has anything posted yet


but i've been testing some things.... its a good to make backups when something like this happens...... i put a brush that was cover in area portal in the front of the door and the back of the door...... i tested it out and i almost had it..... it blocked the area portal but it didnt' show the door or the room.... all i can say is that it REALLY blocked it....... i almost had it so this can give me an idea of how to fix it and i hope other people will...... but i still need help on how to make the door block the area portal when it is closed that is wut i need to know and when it opens it shows the area portal....:o

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...................................WORKING AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


well i have some very awsome news.......... i got it working creating a brush that is the size of the door with the texture area portal........ i'm not a very good explainer but i'll explain the best as i can..... the door is there.. i create a brush the same size and shape with the texture area portal and make put the brush in the door..... then strecth it one grid unit into each connecting room.....


i hope i explained well.... if not i can try to give u some screenshots if i can get the screenshots to work!!!!

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Hmm... yeah...



Areaportals have to touch all the (at least) four walls of a doorway and it is enough if they are 1 unit thick. They have to be inside the door. These are the only rules.


Oh, there is one more if someone uses q3map2 2.3.32 or later. Only one face of the brush has to be covered with system/areaportal, the other 5 have to be common/skip which is coming with q3map2 in the common_extra.shader file.

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well the area portal texture thing i put in, wut u really have to do is make the area portal brush the axact same size as your door and then u put the brush in the door where it fits..... the strecthing part has some problems that i found so this is the right way...... and it covers all the sides.... it blocks what ever is behind the door...... its wonderful baby yea!!!!:D your fruststrations have gone away :D :D :D :D :D :D :D:deathstar:deathii:

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