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Weapon and Armor smiths look here!

Dark Moon

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Ok, I am looking for members to join the Dark Armory. At first, we will be focusing on creating the most powerful weapons and armors. Soon after we are well versed in that aspect of creation, we will turn to Droidsmithing. Of course, to do all this we will need Miners, architects, industrialists an others focused on, mainly, creation. Soon, everyone in our alliance will be extremely talented creators, and our architects can build us a city to work from. After we are a powerful, self-serving city, we will develop an army equipped with the highest quality commodities. Following this plan, we will be able to become an extremely successful alliance, and by throwing our support to any federations or allying ourselves with other powerful groups, we can become one of the foremeost powers in the Star Wars galaxy. If any of this sounds interesting, please visit the Dark Armory PA page at http://www.swgalaxies.net and go to the news page for the current professions we need to join. After submitting to join, please e-mail me at dehaans@students.spartaschools.org with the profession you would like to become an expert in. Thank you, and join today to become successful tomorrow! ... Or sometime in June...heh...

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