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music in places


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Ok, I was wandering on how you get ambient sounds to play in specific locations, I know how target speakers work so Im fine.


But how do you get sudden (activator) soundsets to play until your out of a certain area (im sorry if this is hard to understand but it is quite hard to explain) an example of this would be the famous Artus mine tunnels (thats right the ones with those damned vicious spiders). In these mines a soundset played which give the effect of rocks moving and shuffling (u know what one i mean) how did this play throughout the whole tunnel and as soon as your out it stops?


Another example is on Bespin streets when you go out into the streets for the first time you here sort of an outdoor ambient but it isnt just in one place its omnipresent, as soon as you go back in any of the buildings you cant here it anymore.


I thought of making it an activator sound but these cannot be looped, so what must I do?


In short I need ambient to play in certain areas but not in others (in the distance I dont want it to be heard where as a normal target_speaker would be) it cant be activator bacuse those cannot be looped...


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So does this mean that in the artus mines there were several soundsets placed throughout the mines by the game makers perfectly spaced so they dont fade in the distance but keep at a constant volume until out of the mine?


(is there no way to activate a target_speaker and keep it looping and then mute it when oiut of that area, It has been done in jk2 definatley because I have taken small steps in random places in different levels and these soundsets dont fade in as you approach them but suddenly come on)?

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Yeah, I know what you mean. With the demo (all I have:( ), when you run into the base, the wind sound stops and the red alert sound comes on. Unless you use 'notarget'!


When (and if) I get the real thing and start my own levels, I want to have a duel part with DOTF on it. I like that song!

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Your patially correct, however the red alert sound doesnt just start you can hear it in the distance before you actually get to its location)


The wind part is correct though, when you enter the base the wind suddenly stops, how is this done?

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Sorry forgot to mention :)


For a target_speaker to suddenly stop you would have to move it with scripting but then it would be permanatly gone, if you were to go back outside the wind sound would not be there.


(to be honest i think that target_speakers should be able to bind activator sounds with looping coz its just ridiculous, but hey who am i to say that its not like im gonna create a better version to suit me soley, although id like to :):D )


Any ideas on this propblem anyone?

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