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Can anyone please tell me why I don't get a BSP compile? I compiled trying both editors and I just don't get a BSP fo my latest map. I get a map.bak file and a map.lin fille but no BSP!!



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Thanks but there is no LEAK!! That's just it I get these two files without a leak!! I know how the compile process works. And if you get a leak you are going to get these two files AND still get a BSP. Leaks should not matter. I've had millions of leaks before and it never mattered.

So after TRIPLE checking for leaks I still need an answer. PLEASE some help!! :(


Thanks in advance........:)

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Hmmm, are you sure there are no errors? Double check the junk.txt.


Of course, a leak would be a suspect, (they are the most troublesome things a mapper must face) but they are not in your map.


What did you do right before the error started? Any more details on what happens? It just doesn't write a .bsp? Maybe it's just putting them in the wrong place. Check your file paths.

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Trust me I've been doing this mapping thing for a while now and I've done evrything but unload and relaod the editors. I have checked and re-checked evry possible thing I can think of. This only takes like 5 min. max. I get ZERO errors as already mentioned. Just no BSP.

Thanks for the effort though..........

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I think I finally figured it out. It is just an educated guess, but I think I'm right. I tried a million and one things to try and fix this BSP problem. Leslie was even kind enough to help me through my compile process. I think I'm getting a massive ERROR concerning JK2 Radiant. I know it doesn't work right with my XP O.S. So when I try to use BOTH JK2 and Gtk Radiant my machine gets confused. I don't know where it is putting the BSP. But it's not on my computer!! I tried compiling with BOTH editors and thats where my problem lies. I get the same error over and over.


Cannot find BSP.file


REMEDY----> Use one or the other, not both.

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So it is working for you, isn't it?


If I was right then L_A_user has some kind of problem with sof2map. I saw many times other people asking about the same error: sof2map stops because of an unspecified error and asks to get contact with John or Rick. I encountered with this myself.


Since I use q3map2 I don't have much problem. And yes, I like GtkRadiant better.


Besides I don't think the problem is someone has both editor installed. The problem is probably with sof2map and it's fail is not depending on which editor you start it from.


Good news is you can use q3map2 from JK2Radiant too. You can make new compile options for the BSP menu in Project settings, or use a graphical frontend for q3map2 like: Q3Map2Toolz by Hr.O.


Oh, Emon is working on Q3Map2 GUI. :)

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Nope it's not working L J. Sorry. Even after all that work!! Itried re-compile after I added a couple of things...still nothing.....:confused: So I've decided to start over just using Gtk. Thanks again for all your help though.

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