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Kyle vs. Indy

Guest JKA_Indy_Jones

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Guest JKA_Indy_Jones



Which game is better, Jedi Knight/MotS or Indiana Jones & the Infernal Machine?


I vote for JK, 'cuz multiplayer ROX!!! and because it's editable, so you can make your own levels/enemies/weapons/specialFX/etc...


Also, once you beat indy, you know all the puzzles, so what's the point of playing again?


Feel free to share your opinion.



"You call this archeology?!"


- Dr. Henry Jones, Sr.

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It's my personal opinion that Jedi Knight is the most boring and unrealistic game ever created. Then again that's just my opinion. Multiplayer gets boring quickly. Once you play a game like R6 or RS where a few shots will kill you, games like doom, heretic, Quake, or JK are just plain boring from then on out.



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Guest JKA_Indy_Jones

I don't think playing R6 or RS makes JK boring, they are different styles of multiplayer, and of course R6 is more realistic, but since when do they equip team Rainbow with concussion rifles or carbonite guns or lightsabers?



"You call this archeology?!"


- Dr. Henry Jones, Sr.

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Guest Darkthrawn

I prefer JK/MotS for multi-player, but Indy totally kicks both in terms of single player. I beat JK in a week, MotS in two, I've had Indy for a month: Level 13!



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