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Getting the Mask or What ever it is

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I too am stuck on this dreaded mission with the large croc, I got him trapped and then proceeded to lower the cages, but the angle of the chains when you do eventually jump is completely skewiff.


Is it possible the game developers got it wrong. It is nigh impossible to get to the other switch to lower the next lot of cages.

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Originally posted by Flashblade

The developers got it all right. All you have to do to reach the next chain is stop swinging with the chain, center the chain you want to reach swing again jump there you are!


The only problem is when I use the keys that are supposed to make me swing i.e. the up and down arrows all I end up doing is climbing up or down the chain I do not swing. I worked out that if you press the left or right arrows this enabled me to centre the chain, but the swing motion seems to stop working.



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I see have you by chance mapped the arrow keys for movement or something else? There you have your problem. For some strange reason you can't map all the keys from within the game. Hehe by looking at the binds.cfg I discovered as I am writing this that you can climb with the mouse buttons! 1 MB Indy climbs up, 2 MB Indy climbs down and if you do not like that you can alter it in the binds.cfg which is located in your IJET directory under Gamedata\indy. So back to your problem I guess you have mapped the arrow keys for movement and by that double mapped the up and down keys that are "hard" mapped to climb up and down. So now you have two choices either change your movement keys to another location or edit the binds.cfg If you want to do the latter look for this 2 strings:





change the keys from key_up and key_down and everything should work for you now.


The heart of Kouru Watu will be yours :)

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wrong memezcom if you mapped the arrow keys for movement it won't work as I stated above your post.


@Silent Bob

The keys you mentioned might work I haven't checked for that. But I for example have a keyboard config I use in every game which I control with mouse and keyboard (so almost every game) and I do not like it when I have to grab from my control config over the whole keyboard just to do one thing. So if you alter the binds.cfg file you can alter the keys to your liking. All expect the shift key function for another unknown reason.

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w & s move you forwards/backwards and up/down chains/ropes on pc. only default control change i made was 'x' to jump and 'spacebar' to use......

a & d or <- & -> can be used to choose the direction in which you swing. up and down arrows move you up/down chains/ropes......

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Have I written somewhere that the default controls do not work? I don't think so. If you are fine with the default layout good for you other might want to change controls to their liking. The only thing I wrote is that in the case you map the arrow keys to movement you will have trouble!

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