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The Autarchy -- A Rebel PA


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au·tar·chy (ô'tärk ee) - A self-sufficient rule; autonomy; independence; freedom


We are Autarchy: a Rebel Player Association who's sworn duty is to bring a true and lasting peace to the anarchistic galaxy, under the rule of the corrupt Palpatine.


The destiny of all lies in the hands of the few.. those who would sacrifice their very lives to free the galaxy from the grasp of the Empire once and for all.



Greetings, everyone! I'm here to tell you a little bit about the Player Association, Autarchy. For starters, we are completely undetermined as to what server we will be playing on: that should be up to the members, not the leaders. Secondly, we already have a comprehensive forum up with links, images, and public chat forums. So whether you're interested or not, feel free to drop on by. Our main page is located athttp://swg.thenavi.net/.


Here are some more important links to follow and read. Arbitrarily choosing guilds isn't really a good thing to do, so I'd like to give you some more information about why you should join a guild and what types of guilds are good to join. So without further or due, a couple of important links. :p


Why should I join a guild, and why is YOURS the one I should join?


Our Creed






The application isn't very long and shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes. It's purpose is only to ensure that we get dedicated people applying, and not people who will skip out if things get rough.


I sincerely hope you consider our PA! Even if you're not interested, please feel free to post in the public forums!


Thanks for taking the time to read this! Good day :D




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