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Time to ask...


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I would like to ask all of you:


1) Did you like Indy and the Infernal Machine?


2) Which were your favorite levels?


3) Have you finished it and will you play it again?


For me, the answers are

1) YES, very much

2) Meroe and Mines

3) YES (actually, I did several times since I finished it the first time in summer 2000)



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Guest Angel21157

ya its pretty cool, even though i'm like not even close to finishing it.haha.don't got a fav level yet, probually the one wiht the mine or driving a jeep will become one.and if i ever finish it i will probually play it again. k. later.




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Guest fiero

This Game RULES!! I found there is a genuine re-play value because I seem to discover something I did not find before, like hidden treasures,different areas,tactics to try out.

Hope they make another Indiana Jones game.

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