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‘safe_malloc’ error?


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I have been working on a sp map and I’ve starting getting this error:


************ ERROR ************

safe_malloc failed on allocation of 108134400 bytes

I was thinking I might be running out of hard disk space, but I have over 5 gigs free and assumed this would be more than enough. I’ve searched the forums and the GTKRadiant website, but can’t find anything on this. Any help would be very much appreciated.




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I encounter this error myself. If you take a look at that number, it is more than 100MB of memory the compiler wants to allocate at once. That's OK that you have a lots oof free space on hrd drive, sometimes windows doesn't make your page file bigger and it can't find a big enough, continuous and free memory piece to give it to the compiler. So a solution can be restarting your computer, quitting any unnecessary auto-start application then run the compile outside the editor.


Of course this is not a real solution just a not too good workaround. Ydnar could answer this question well. Take a look at the Splash Damage forums and ask there. Ydnar reads that more often as I can see.



[edit]Here: http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=898[/edit]

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