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HELP ... compile error and junk text


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When I load my sp map I am getting an error "Requested feature was omitted at compile time".I was able to load my map before... now all of a sudden I get this. I dont think I added anything crazy... i guess i did though.


I searched the forums and people usually paste their "junk.txt" file in here but I can find mine. The only one I found was in my WINDOWS/TEMP folder and it was blank... I think this might of been it though cause it had the same date/time as my compile.


Please someone help, I am just about done with my map.


Thanks in advance


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I forgot to mention that I only get this error when I load my map from the pk3 file. If I try to load my map using the DEVMAP command it's able to load. Is this a problem with my pk3 or with my BSP? I need my sp map to load from the pk3.


Help me Obi Wan Kenobi



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Thanks Leslie..you are a GOD. You are the Yoda of the forums...hehe.. It's fixed..the 2nd link you gave me helped... it was a custom JPG i was using for my MENU..... it was oversized. I did do a search but I didnt check everything....hehe. You are the Man!


Thanks again

Bengar:amidala: :D:fett:

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just a think bout the "junk.txt" if u are using jkradiant then u dont get 1 unless u turn bsp monitoring off but i dont know how to do that but, but with gtk bsp monitoring should be turned off for it to work and its found in the program files/gtk radiant folder(asuming that thats where was installed) not the jk2/gtk radiant foler

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sematriclen ... i have jk2radiant... no wonder i didnt get a junk.txt file.

I read somewhere (an LJ thread) that you can turn BSP monitoring off in the preferences but i think that was probably for GTK because i didnt see that option in the JK@radiant preferences.



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