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Was LCR just a dream?


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I just have to ask a couple of things..


IF you remember MI2 it seamed in the end as if it was all just a dream.. and that guybrush met his parents and became a boy again... whatever happened with that!?


Chuckie.. was he lechuck? I mean.. was he just a "friend" that wanted to revenge because of a stolen bike.. or was he Lechuck?


Was his parents really alive and was he just a kid? How could he end up on a boat in the middle of carribean (CMI) and suddenly be all grownup..? I don't get it.



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There has been a LOT of discussion about this topic here. What it boils down to is apparently MI1 and MI2, as the creations of Ron Gilbert, were all Guybrush's imagination, like Calvin in the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes pretending he's Spaceman Spiff.


Then new storywriters came to create a third Monkey Island, and did not do a lot (or any) consulting of Ron Gilbert to make it. And the new writers considered that to be a bummer of and ending and made the childhood thing into a curse, to the thanks of many Monkey Island fans. Therefore, Guybrush somehow escaped Monkey Island in a bumpercar.


I'm trying not to be as misunderstood in this post as I apparently was in the previous discussion about this that finally, thankfully, has been closed. More than likely the first two were considered a dream, but the story was given a twist several years later when the Curse of Monkey Island was created.

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Yeah I remember the thing about the bumpercar, and I know he escaped.. but the thing is that he didn't have anything to escape from if MI1 and MI2 was just a dream..


I think the storywriters really confused things by making CMI, thought it didn't had a connection with MI2 (tell me right if i'm wrong).


lol.. calvin and hobbes? In sweden we call them "kalle och hobbe".. but I can't really see the connection beetween these, sorry. :rolleyes: You mean that guybrush only was pretending (dreaming) to be a pirat like calvin pretended to be a spaceman? But if that would be true, how could he be one in the CMI,

did his wishes come true? Oh.. lucky man..I mean boy.. *g*


( Sorry if missunderstanding again.. I blame sweden :p )

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I'm just saying that according to some, when the first two games were made, yes, he was just pretending everything the way Calvin pretened he was a spaceman.


But then, when the next game came along, the new story writers apparently didn't like that idea and kind of made a way to make the story continue. So thanks to the writers of "Curse of Monkey Island," the reason Guybrush is a kid at the end of MI2 is a curse.


I think the storywriters really confused things by making CMI, thought it didn't had a connection with MI2 (tell me right if i'm wrong).


I'd say you are right. They made things very confusing.

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Originally posted by EnchiladaMan

The reason Guybrush is a kid at the end of MI2 is a curse.

So it was a curse just like the one lechuck put on him in the "elevator" at the end of CMI? But how could it be like that? I know you can't answer that but it all seems very confusing to me.

Originally posted by EnchiladaMan

I'd say you are right. They made things very confusing.

Hehe.. oops.. :p

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well, from what i understand, the whole entire first two games was supposed to be one game where you find out at the end it's a dream. unfortunately, it'd take up a lot of floppies, so they made it into two games which made the surprise ending of mi2 a real bummer since we're expecting there to be a great big gigantic wonderful ending to all the games. plus, the mi2 ending was supposed to be at the end of mi1, but two of the other guys didn't like it, so they didn't use it for that one. they were in a rush to get mi2 done before the deadline, so ron gilbert decides to toss in the original ending to the end of mi2, that's how that happened. then, as enchiladaman said, the new guys (were they ackley and ahern?) made it a curse, blah blah blah.


sorry about me not knowing names. the only one i know for sure is ron gilbert, who came up with it. i have no idea who anyone else is except ackley and ahern, who i'm not even sure what they did, i'm not even sure whether or not they had anything to do with mi, maybe the did something else? i don't know. i don't really car, too much either. but i'd like to know. just as long as the games are good, i could care less who made them.


yay! this is my 300th post right here!!!

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Okey, it's kinda confusing thought. I really liked CMI so I'm not gonna say they made a mistake.. but I would like them to bring up with things from MI2.. visit the islands there and make the games more connected.. very well.. we can't have everything, can we? I think I got all my answers on this thread so if noone else is wondering anything about this you can close it. Thanx for everything Das Mole and EnchiladaMan.


Best wishes



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