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No more MI


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And when I say this I (of course) don't mean that we should end MI-secuals. I just mean that there's no point in going back to monkey island..


To call MI5 "return to MI" is just dumb.. what the heck should you do there anyway!? At first:


- Herman is gone..

- you killed all the monkeys..

- all that is left to do is to take a coffeebreak with the priest... *gg*


What do you think? Should we continue visiting MI, create a new Island AGAIN or visit old Islands?



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I think an event of MI5 should be that the volcano on Monkey Island has become "unstable," and the only thing to keep it from harming the entire tri-island area is to return the monkey head. Voodoo voices are calling it back, or something like that. The giant monkey robot should "Return to Monkey Island," and then something maybe voodoo happens to where it becomes the entrance to a cave again like it was in SMI. This would put to rest the crazy monkey robot ending in EMI that I found a bit unbearable.


But this should be only the first part of the story. It can put into play some other events, because the monkey robot should be in there as little as possible. Then everyone stays off Monkey Island and the story evolves.


I think the next story should take place on islands from MI2 and MI3, and on islands that are labeled on the maps on MI4 (like "Spittle").


BTW, I don't remember seeing any monkeys die on Monkey Island. Did I miss something? Or did I forget that in my attempt to forget the whole "Herman" issue?

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Oh.. I meant that it feels like the monkey island is a bit "done" (exuse my bad english..) It feels like everything is already done there.. I mean Herman was the main-character there, and now he's the governor again, right?


And about the monkeys..hmm..I may be wrong about that one..? what happened to them anyway?


What you said about the monkey robot coming back, I wouldn't prefer that.. it would be like ruining the game :(


well anyway. I would like to see islands from MI2 and 3 just like you.. maybe boothy island.. mascerade? yeah.. hehe..



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Well, isn't the monkey head gone? Or the monkey robot.. whatever.. but as we all know, "quickly get rid of it back to Monkey Island" and then get away from there isn't the easiest thing to do thought. :rolleyes:


But if needed, I agree with you on that.




Ps: monkey island is really out. *g*

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