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neutral mercenary PA in need of members and a webmaster!!

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Hey, all, I'm one of the leaders of the Dark Knights Alliance, a neutral mercenary PA that will be on an east coast server(we haven't decided which one yet,) and I am posting here because we are in dire need of a new webmaster, as well as members from any and all professions! We do not discriminate, all species are welcome, For non- combatant professions, we will offer some protection if the need should arise. Please, help us out! E-mail any questions you have to swwiz04@yahoo.com, or check out http://www.dktma.com, or if you have AOL Instant Messenger, my screen name is Nayias37, i promise we are dedicated to making money and having fun in SWG, and we are one of the few PA's to have a girl grace our ranks, so, please, post to this thread, or use the contacts I've given, and join the Dark Knights Alliance today!

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