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My custom Textures!


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I read another post about custom textures which says.


To make your own custom textures just make a folder in the textures folder named after your map. Put your textures inside then load it up in radiant.


I did this and it worked like a charm, I was able tos ee my textures and use them in my map, (I was able to see them on the brushes I made).


But when I started the map with them on. They just appeared as grey blocks with white lines (unknown texture:( )


can anyone tell me what to do to get my own textures in the game?! Thanks!:)

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Maybe you should mentione where to use those. :) These can be used in a Command Prompt window or in a Shortcut as paramteres for the game executable.



It is enough if you start the MP game, and then in the console you enter "sv_pure 0" without the quotes of course. :D Then you can load up your map and the textures will be there.


An other way (which is good if you don't alter your textures often) to pack the textures up into a pk3 as you would when your map will be finished. This way you don't have to enter that command every time before you load up the map.

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What I do is create a simple batch file and place it in the GameData folder. To do this simple open up Notepad and type this line depending on if it's MP or SP:


jk2mp.exe +set sv_pure 0 +devmap yourmapname


jk2sp.exe +devmap yourmapname


Then save it as yourmapname.bat Then create a shortcut on your desktop and everytime after you compile just double click this and the game loads up your map. Simple.:)

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