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Scary NPCs


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Are there any NPCs in the SP game that actually chase after you (other than Jedis and Mechs...)?


I'm asking because i'm trying to implement some more dangerous gun-wielding NPCs for SP...for example...i wanna make a Jango/Boba Fett NPC with Commander rank (so he'll shoot rapid-fire) and lots of health...but its kinda stupid if he justs stands there..like most of the enemies do...



btw...i tried with both the ATAT and the Mark...they work, but its not a very good simulation of a human bounty hunter, and both will follow and chase down the player...which isnt the right effect at all...

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Well, depending on circumstances and the actual environment (architecture, that is) where the fighting takes place, you might get a satisfactory result just with waypoints and points of combat, if you make a network large and extensive enough. I have myself good experience with this (with stormtroopers and officers) in a large room, where there is a corridor near the wall with multiple (open) doorways to the open room area. I don't even have that good a network of waypoints, but still the STs sneak behind your back, when you are looking (and shooting) the other way.


And one has to remember that normally the player fights most of the time against underlings, and the actual fight against the ultimate bad guy is short and quite restricted, as it was in the original game (Tavion & Desann). That fortunate tradition makes your work even easier.


The reborn / jedi chasing algorithm is needed mostly, because these guys need to get close. With Mark1 / AT-ST it's a shocking effect, I think, with these big things lumbering over you.

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