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Changing Kyle SP Sounds


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I did a search, but nothing turned up. I'm working on my SP level, and I already got a replacement skin for kyle working, but now I want custom sounds. I've done everything I could think of, including puting a sound/chars/kyle/misc/ folder and putting the new sounds in there, but still no go, its the default kyle sounds. Can anyone tell me how I replace the sounds of kyle?

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Umm...if you wanna replace the old sounds...just copy new files over them with the same names...they should be in the sound/chars/kyle and sound/chars/kyle/misc folder.


If you did that and its still not working, its probably because the default ones are still in the assets0.pk3 file and are overwriting the new ones. To fix that, either take the kyle sounds out of that pk3 file (using WinZip or other zip/pk3 program), or just extract the WHOLE pk3 file (using folder names) to the gamedata/base folder and then delete the pk3 file...this makes it easier to edit the whole game, but harder to figure out what you need to include in your mod release

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Hmmm...thanks it seems to be working now, so that's good. :) Not sure what I did, but it does work, like I thought it should have when I first tried. (I think maybe I didn't have the correct files in /misc/ or something.

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