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neutral mercenary PA looking for members!

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Hey, everybody, just putting the offer on the table, the Dark Knights Alliance is looking for members, your race and profession in SWG does not matter, we are primarily a bounty hunter/ smuggler/ assassin PA, but we wanna have our own cantina in-game, so we need architects, entertainers, but we'll take anybody. We are a fun group of people, we're mostly guys, but we do have a female member, but she's the only one in the group, so ladies join up so she isn't lonely. :) For our non- combatant members, we will offer protection as it's needed, not all the time, we don't have so many members that we can protect one 'round the chrono, so to speak. If you are interested, check out our website at: http://www.dktma.com, and if you still want to ask a few questions, my e-mail is swwiz04@yahoo.com, or my AOL Instant essenger screen name is Nayias37. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, I hope to hear from you soon!:D

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