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its so simple!!!


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After toying around with alot of cvar's, I've finally personalized JKII SP to make it just the way I like it. But I'm just barely missing the mark.....


I wanted to speed up some of the weapons in the game, and increase they're accuracy. I know... a tutorial is givin by Raven themselves when you download the JKII tools... but I can't get it to work in SP! How might I change settings such as laser velocity and accuracy in single player?

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The code tutorial you're talking about is for MP only. But I beleive clu is correct. I think you can alter a little bit of the SP weapon behavior with the external data file he mentioned. Just use a text editor to open up the file and see.

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hmm.. i checked out that file. It had some nice things, like light effects and the range of the weapon. But nothing about the speed and accuracy of the shots. Do you guys know whats up with that?

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