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func_static force push/pull


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In scripting (for SP) is there a way to determine if a func_static entity was force pushed or forced pulled?


I need to be able to differentiate between the two because I need to move that func_static in different directions based on a force push or a force pull.


Any ideas?

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Well I think I may have solved this one on my own (again).


I just made 2 func_statics textured with caulk and placed them directly in front of my button. One func_static has f_push checked and the other has f_pull checked.


So theoretically when I stand in front of the button and force push it'll run script A and if I force pull it'll run script B.


I made the code, which is real complex, so now I just have to test it out after I logically go through the code to make sure I have everything right.


More news on my success or failure to come later...

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