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a couple of is it possible questions......


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:fett: here goes:fett:

is it possible to:

1)have doors on a movinmg object eg. a train or a platform?

2)have teleports in mp?

3)have a start point for when a player joins a game, and when a player dies? (for example when a player joins hes at the start of the level, he gets into the main area, dies and respawns in an area by the main area and not at the start)

4)have jetstreams like in duel bespin(the ones which make you fly to the other side)


thats about all i need to ask now, thanx for any responces.

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Looking at question 2 I guess all questions are for MP.


1) In a normal way, no. For func_trains you can cheat by making the doors separate func_trains which travel with the main and at the main's stop point it moves like a door should move.


3) You can check a spawnflag called INITIAL for first time spawn points.


4) Yes. They are trigger_push entites. If you want a visual effect for it, you will need a shader or effect file. I don't know which one was used for the Bespin level.

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ok i have a couple more questions

1)is GTKradiant better than JK2?

2)how do i get the XYZ lengths on the sides of my brushes (like on diesels guides)

3)how do i import models like benches and such?

4)whats caulk?

thanx again

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1) I'm gunna say it's a preference thing, i like GTK, but you will find most people do.


2)select the brush, and hit the "q" button and it will bring up the dimensions of the brush.


3)this is explained in rich diesals tutorial



4) caulk is a texture that tells the engine that there is no texture there, thus, not drawing a texture saving precious FPS


I recommend re-reading rich diesals tutorial if you have not already, many questions will be answered :)


-Mix Master

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