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Scaling Player Ghoul2 Models


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I've been looking at the source code for JediMod for a while now on how to do this... but it's a little too complex for me. I'm not interested in scaling individual player models (not right now anyway), i just want to scale them all as a whole because i'm increasing the world scale.


It seems like this would be a simple task but i'm not sure how to do it. I managed to redefine the generic model scale, but now all that's left is the ghoul2 models.. or rather, the GLA animation scale (from what i think i understand, anyway). Though i'd rather be doing this in the engine source but obviously that's not an option....


Would anyone care to offer some guidance?

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Nevermind, i figured it out. But the more i think about it the more i hate doing it like this...


I have a new question now though: Is the world scale hard coded like i'm thinking it is, or can i actually change that? Also, would that scale velocity values and other such measurments as well (like bbox mins and maxs)?


If it would, then i'll probably just hold off on this for now hoping to get the engine source some day.. as that's going to be a LOT of work updating all that. Then if we got the engine source, and i scaled things the proper way, then i'd have to set everything back to the way it was...


Thanks for any help...

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Yeah, i've already done that part (in CG_Player) i just don't think it's a very good way to do it for what i'm doing, since i want to increase the world scale altogether, scaling everything approprietly except the map. Effects, velocity, models, bbox dimensions, etc.


Just judging from EffectsEd, Raven uses a different world scale for JKII and SoF2. JKII is at 10 and SoF2 is at 16. I'm just wondering how i can change that scale... i'm thinking it's hardcoded though..

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I'm curious as you what you mean by the world scale numbers of 10 and 16. 10 what? feet/second? meters/second? Really, you don't change the world scale in the hardware so much as you determine what your content is going to handle it. If you decide that 1 ingame unit is one inch you just scale all your levels and such based on that scale.


Anyway, as such, you just change your models, not the actual code. :)

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I'm a bit confused by all this myself.. but what i mean by the world scale is the units per foot. I want 18 units for every foot (currently i'm scaling the models by 1.8).


I can't just scale the actual model files alone because the weapons for example, need to be in synch with the ghoul2 player models for them to stay in proportion with them. This is perhaps the biggest problem. So, for example if i scaled the actual lightsaber hilt model up 1.8, on the player model it would get scaled up that much and then be out of proportion, but when not on the player model it would be at the scale it should be. For other models though i suppose this would work out alright.. it seems kind of hackish to me though.


But then the other big problem is the velocity, the higher you scale up the models the velocity values become more insignificant. For example, since scaling the player models the run speed is about equivilent to a jog speed. So i need to scale the velocity up 1.8 as well, somehow... either that or do a LOT of work adjusting the velocities for everything.


What determines the ghoul2 player scale in the first place though? Is that set in the GLA?

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