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comiling which dont exist


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dont understand what i mean?

then gather round for it is story time with your neighbourood friendly J-2000


i make a map and it compiles and works fine, it looks great it is great (for my first try that is) it all goes awimmingly untill i add a pit, a bottomless one, i make the trigger and the cushion and i make sure that on thew trigger i set "DMG" -1 (with the speech marks i think thats the error but i have lack of time to do it) any way after that i do a bsp fullvis and it starts compiling, the window closes and it shows no sign of errors, but then when i try it, noting has changed from the last time i compiled it, the pit isnt in existance and all the things i changed arent there, after i stop the game and reload my map the thing has deleted almost all of the doors that i made and some parts are missing! whats going on?!

the end............for now!

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It is probably the "Unspecified error". Check junk.txt for details.


If you saw that error, there is nothing to do. I think the only solution for it is to change to q3map2 as map compiler.


Of course it could be something else, but as you say the command prompt window closes suddenly I can't think of anything else.


Nah, check that junk.txt to see what happens.

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This problem sounds familiar to lausers post... You both might want to get together...



Okay I keep re-doing my map compile so that the errors I had will be fixed. So everytime I do a compile, it doesn't matter what TYPE of compile it is the engine keeps reverting back to the maps original state. In other words I keep testing the map after different compile stages and I keep getting the same MAP!! It doesn't matter how many changes I make to the map file it stays the same!! I could add a TOTALLY different section to the map it wont matter....it stays the same everytime



Good luck, I have no idea BTW

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here the junk.txt file as i cant make it out


SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- BSP ----

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/bespin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/cinematics.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/common.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/decals.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/doomgiver.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/effects.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/explosions.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/flares.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/fogs.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx2.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/imperial.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/items.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/marks.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/metashader.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/models.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/mp.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/nar_shaddaa.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/players.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sabers.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/scavenger.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/skies.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sprites.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/system.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/test.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/text_crawl.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/ui.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/yavin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/zoom.shader

Loading map file c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/the_hangout.map

entering c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/the_hangout.map

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/jason/guns_and_sabers_sign

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/jason/sabers_sign

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/jason/duel_sign

Line 1152 is incomplete

SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- Vis ----

reading c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/the_hangout.prt

LoadPortals: couldn't read c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/custom_map.prt

SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


----- Lighting ----

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/bespin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/cinematics.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/common.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/decals.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/doomgiver.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/effects.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/explosions.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/flares.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/fogs.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/gfx2.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/imperial.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/items.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/marks.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/metashader.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/models.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/mp.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/nar_shaddaa.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/players.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sabers.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/scavenger.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/skies.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/sprites.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/system.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/test.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/text_crawl.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/ui.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/yavin.shader

entering c:/progra~1/lucasa~1/starwa~1/gamedata/base/shaders/zoom.shader

Reading c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/the_hangout.bsp

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/custom/sabers_sign

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/custom/guns_and_sabers_sign

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/custom/duel_sign

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/custom/saber_door

0 light emitting surfaces

Only 1932 gridArrays used out of 1048576

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)

23 x 12 x 7 = 1932 grid

478 unique grid light points

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (3)

writing c:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/the_hangout.bsp

37 seconds elapsed



btw wats Q3map2? does it compile JK2 maps?

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Try to stay away from JK2 Radiant. It has given me nothing but grief!! I stick to GTk. I notice at the bottom of your junk.text there is a MAJOR error. That is line # 1152 is incomplete. If you get one of these your map will not compile properly and is hard to fix. (not that it can't be fixed). Try and find the errors in your junk.text and also open up your map.file with notepad to see if you can find the offending BRUSH. Yes I said BRUSH because more than likely that's what it is.

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ok 2 things

1)i use GTK

2)dunno whether ive mentioned this, ive found out that the error occurs whenever i make a bottomless pit


could someone tell me how they make them (and dont direct me to richdeisel coz thats how i learned)

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Originally posted by J-2000

could someone tell me how they make them (and dont direct me to richdeisel coz thats how i learned)


That's odd. I used that same tutorial and it works fine for me. BTW is this for SP or MP?


Fot MP there is a tutorial at http://mapping.jediknightii.net/tutorials.htm that concerns "Multiplayer Player Infinite Fall Animation" with a bottomless pit.


Basically you just make your wall brushes and bottom brush for your pit and then layer the bottom with a brushed textured with the "Cushion" shader. Add in your trigger_hurt and set your keys and values. If you want you pit to be dark just add a light entity down in the pit and give it a negative light value.

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