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Clan looking for Server host


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Our current host. Very good quality but kind of expensive.





Very cool people, they lent us a test server for a while and the quality seemed to be great, I keep meaning to change over to them but I'm lazy and forget to get the process started.


Their prices are quite good, much lower than what I'm currently paying.


Drop a line to Ray @ vsk and he will get you set up.



/edit if this is the same clan that plays in the BOF server a lot, my ping in gaminghost/vsk servers is about 10-15 lower than that BOF server.


gaminghost is in GA


vsk is in MO if I'm correct.

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This is [sD]ReBoRN


We use GamingHost right now, and we couldnt be happier. As for VSK, I used them for about a month... they were horrible. On gaminghost I ping around 30-50. The lowest my ping ever reached on VSK was 80, with frequent ping spikes, restarts, and server lockups. Ray gave us absolutely NO tech support, and gaminghost gets you set up fast, and helps you if you mess up with your RCON.

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