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HELP ME! How can I make fire in Radiant?


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Originally posted by Napalmgabber

how can i put fire effect in to the fx_runner?




That tutorial link explains a different effect, but the concept is still the same. Just right click on your map where you want the fire and go down to fx then select fx_runner from the list. A blue box should appear.


Then with that fx_runner selected press "n" to bring up entities and add the following key: fxFile and the value env/small_fire. This will place a small fire for a torch in your game. Then deselect your fx_runner and place a light entity above it. You can make your light orange by pressing the letter "k" and selecting the color orange from the palett.


There are a few different fire effects that can be used for your value depending on the size that you want. They are:




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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Napalmgabber

How can i put my own music to my own map?




Press N in GtkRadient, go down the entity list and select "worldspawn". Add a "music" key and make the value the path to your music file. You can use a .mp3 or .wav formatted sound file.

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