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Mean ol' Model

Mr. Chopper

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If, however, it's for MP... you'll probably have to open up the .md3 file in milkshape and do the rotation in there... radiant only allows the rotation of misc_models about the "z" axis; for any other axis you need to do it in milkshape, then save the rotated model out as a new .md3 (which you place in /models/map_obejcts/your_map/).

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Originally posted by Mr. Chopper

Well how are you using it? In GTK radiant I do this


Key: Angles

Value: 0 180 0


for the entity properties.

I think that a normal "standing up" model would have "angles" values of "0 0 0" -- so if you want it to lie down (perpendicular to "up"), wouldn't you want "0 90 0" instead?
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