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Jeep Madness!

Guest DeadPool

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Guest DeadPool

I am in the level where you are driving around the canyons in the jeep and the Russian Truck keeps shooting at you. Can someone tell me where exactly it is that I'm supposed to get to? It seems like a big maze of circles - no path seems to lead anywhere.....


Little help?

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Just keep driving around and youll find your way out hopefully. Oh ya watch out for the enemy truck!




Slicing monkeys are fun!


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Guest Jamison

I am playing that level right now. I'll come back here later and see if someone else has helped you or not.





"Ahhhh, medicinal herbs."

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Guest HenryJones

Keep driving around aimlessly until you find a green tiki statue, once there go on the path to your right, it should lead to a big open area with some russians, drive past them and up the hill and you're on your way!


-Dr. Henry Jones Sr.

"Thank god! It's a fake!"

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Better yet, drive around till you find that pool of water and turn immediately left depending on which way your facing the water pool, then you'll come upon a building and take the road to the far right i believe and you will get to the green statue then some guards then you'll be right where that one guy said

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