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death music sp


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I know that NPCs can have a "deathscript" key, but I don't think the info_player (kyle) can have one in Radiant. However, I did notice in the ICARIUS manual that you can use the command SET_DEATHSCRIPT inside of a script and it can be used on the info_player (kyle)



:D Glow Time!!!:D

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I tried so many different things that i cant remember but I think I tried the deathscript on Kyle before and it didnt work. I'll give it a try again...

I've also tried the SET_MUSIC_STATE script on Kyle before because you have the option of setting the DM_Death music but I guess i didnt do it right because it didnt work. I'll give the Death_Script a try.



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Leslie, I've just tried your NPC_target stuff on my infoplayer start and no luck. Then i tried using a closetarget and aimed it at the target_play_music... no luck.


Obsidian-Jovani, I just tried using deathscript and i made a little script that would play that music but it still didnt work. Unless i didnt do it right...



key: deathscript

value: map/kyle_death_music


was i suppose to aim the info_player_start at a target_scriptrunner? if so, how would i target the info_player_start to the scriptrunner? using a key of target or NPC_target? .:confused:



War Master, id use dynamic music but i dont know how.


Thanks for everyones help


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Originally posted by bengar

was i suppose to aim the info_player_start at a target_scriptrunner?




Bengar, today is your lucky day.


I got this to work.


Here is what you do:


1.) Create a script that will play your death music. It looks like this:

//Generated by BehavEd

rem ( "deathmusic.ibi" );

rem ( "Death Music Script" );

rem ( "Script by: Obsidian Jovani" );

rem ( "Play this music when Kyle dies" );

sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_AUTO, "pathname/musicfile.mp3" );


2.) Create a script that will run immediately when the game starts. It looks like this:

//Generated by BehavEd


rem ( "kyle_death.ibi" );


affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DEATHSCRIPT", "pathname/scriptname" );



3.) Create a target_scriptrunner that will run kyle_death.ibi

Key: Usescript

Value: pathname/scriptname


Then first select your info_player and then your scriptrunner. Connect them together with CTRL+K


Compile your map, compile your scripts, and test it out. Any questions you have just post em here.

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Obsidian-Jovani, I used your script and it worked, I heard the death music.... I appreciate your help... but i had music playing in the background in my level.... so when i died, i heard the death music but i still heard the background music and my background music continued playing after the death music. I think if i can make the script trigger a target_play_music then deathmusic should override the music playing in the level. Do you know how to make a script trigger a target_play_music?

Thanks again....... if i figure it out i will post again here



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Let me get this straight, are you asking for the death music that plays when kyle dies in Raven's maps? The one called death_music.mp3? With dynamic music it'll play it for you when kyle dies.


Extract dms.dat from assets0.pk3, it's in the ext_data folder. Go to the properties of the file by right clicking it and uncheck read_only. Open it up with Notepad and scroll down to the bottom of the file. If you study it a little bit you should recognize a pattern of how the music is assigned to different maps. Let's say you wanted the kejim_post dynamic music for your map, this is what you would add to the file




uses kejim_post



Save and close the file. Make a pk3 file out of the ext_data folder where the dms.dat is located and you should be all set(If I didn't forget anything) Note: It must be in a pk3 file to work.

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Originally posted by bengar

i had music playing in the background in my level.... so when i died, i heard the death music but i still heard the background music and my background music continued playing after the death music.


With what method are you playing background music?


If it is with an entity you could add the remove command to the deathmusic.ibi right before you play the new music.


So it might look something like this:


remove ("targetname");


where targetname would be the targetname of your background music entity. Not sure if this would work. Just a thought.

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Let me get this straight, are you asking for the death music that plays when kyle dies in Raven's maps? The one called death_music.mp3? With dynamic music it'll play it for you when kyle dies.


Yes War Master, thats the death music i am talking about. Right now i have triggers attached to target_play_music throughout my level. Thats how i change the music. I wanted to have the dynamic music but i didnt know how to make it work. Im gonna try your suggestions tommorow


Thanks War Master and Obsidian-Jovani



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War Master, LJ and O-J... and anyone else listening...


I was able to get the Dynamic music going... I cant believe it. It works well... the death music plays perfectly and the and the explore and action music play right on cue. You guys are the best and your in my credits.

I have one more question now. How do i get the the "boss" music to play. I experimented by using the "yavin_final" music for my level and i thought that if i faced a boss type enemy like Tavion that the boss music might automatically play but it didnt. How do i get the boss music to play?


Thanks again everyone

Bengar :bossk:

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I was never able to change the dynamic state through the ICARUS commands. It was a while ago since I tried but the script would look something like this


//Generated by BehavEd


rem ( "comment" );



If you take the demo map by Raven as an example, it plays boss music when you engage the Reborn. If you look at the scripts for the demo, you can see Raven attempted to change the dynamic state of the music through scripts. Look at bossmusic_go and bossdead scripts. Now look at bossmusic, it's got a use command. I suspect they may have used a target_play_music. I don't know, it's all theories right now. If you can change the dynamic state with the ICARUS commands then great. If not try a target_play_music.

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Did you want to play your own death music as in a custom peice or prehaps a particular peice of music from in the game?


If so then see above. If you just want dynamic music in your level that changes when you get into combat or when you die then you just need to create a worldspawn entity and give it the key soundset


and then the name of the level you want to take the music from.


If you go into the assets0.pk3 and look in the music folder just take the name of whatever level folder you're after and plonk it in your worldspawn properties under the soundset key.


Bingo! Dynamic music.


(I may have totally missed the point but all the other explainations above seem to be really complex)

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aazell, I tried adding soundset:kejim_base to the woldspawn and it didn't work. But wouldn't there be a conflict if you assign ambient soundsets to different areas of your maps. If I triggered a specific soundset for a hangar, ns_hangar, would the music turn off when the player hits the trigger?

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