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Need Help on Freespace on the Net to place Indy walkthrough mirrot for you

Guest PnArdy

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www.myfreeoffice.com - does not support FTP www.xoom.com - does not send a code to activate page www.angelfire.com - too slow www.geocities.com - offers too long domain names www.fortunecity.com - offers too long domain names


Somebody also told me that www.chat.ru/~pnardy site is slow.

But I'm on the other side of the world. This is the

fastest free site with me - very fast indeed, but it may

be slow with you.And it does hot have any Ads - a very

positive thing. And it does not reload your page after

several seconds and transfer you to some completely

unknown location in oreder to show you another banner.

And it does support CuteFTP. Can you name at least

one western free site which has all that options?



I'm trying to find some freespace on the web

to put Indy walkthrough there:


1. it should have a short name,

geocities, fortunecity won't fit.


2. I don't want any redirect come.to and etc


3. Freespace as much as possible or at least 5MB


4. No Ads or if it has Ads then it shoul load

them in separate window - user will cose the

window immediately


5. No page reloading and redirect after some time

to show you some ad page.


6. I prefer a name without ~ sign


7. It should support FTP CuteFTP


8. It should be fast enough with me cause

I'm trying to upload to angelfire.com/games/indy3d

right now and it takes decades of time to upload a

single kilobyte.


Can you help?

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