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where is the effect files for the saber?

Charmin Deluxe

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It's a combination of 2 jpgs and a shader file. The shader is called saber, which will be in the shaders folder. And the images are in the /base/models/weapons2/saber dir. There are 2 images per saber color; one is the blade and the other is the glow effect.

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i know ... but i mean the effect! you cant change a saberblade into a .. hmm . flame blade which moves like a lash per shader .. this is only possible if you can edit the efx file .. but a friend of me says it's in the code and so .. hmm.. no chance for me to change edit ;(

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you could make fx using shaders. Your imagination is a bit limited, but a flame saber should look okay. The reason you are limited is the way the game generates the saber. The glow effect of the saber is a repeated image. When you turn your saber on, the image (which is nothing more then a blurred circle) appears repeatedly up from the hilt. Changing that to an animated texture could give you a firey effect, which one user has done and his saber pak is out there to download.

The second option (which I tried many months ago) is to make the actual saber blade image an animated texture. This is limited by the fact that the blurred circle is layed over this image in order for it to appear. So to get a truley unique saber you'd have to get those 2 images to work together. My first attempt at this type of saber failed misserably, though, that was before I knew anything about shaders, so maybe if I were to try again I'd be more successful.

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a friend of me says it's in the code and so .. hmm.. no chance for me to change edit


This is true, it is in the code. You can change it though, since it's in the VM source. The effect type it uses is hard coded though, so you can't change that.. you could however change the effect type if you wanted.


But if programming isn't your thing, then you're out of luck if you want to go beyond simple resource replacing.

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Originally posted by Charmin Deluxe

hmm is it possible to link the saber code to an efx file ? so you can change the saber effect by edting the efx linked in the code?

The blade isn't an effect like the spark or blood_sparks effect.

Maybe you can attach a new effect to the blade but I don't know how to do that.

You won't find an .efx file for the blade in the effects folder...

I tried the same...now I try to modify the sabers.shader to influence the glow

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