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Help with fx rain


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Ok im makeing a SP map and need to add rain. I got a Tutoral (RichDiesals) for it. It says to make a brush with the texture: system/outside and i cant find the texture anywhere. And Yes jkrad is installed right.

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Are you sure you loaded the "system" texture set? Because it's right there. Pick "system" from the textures menu, and "outside" will show up as a little blue/green box next to a larger orange box that says "origin." They get listed in alphabetical order. I'm looking at it right now... nodrop, noimpact, origin, outside, physics_clip, portal... it's there, maybe something else is screwed up. Try hitting "shaderlist.txt only" in the textures menu; that's my solution for everything today.

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I had similar problem with JK2Radiant. Some of the system textures didn't show up. Now I'm using GtkRadiant and it's OK.


But anyway, you always can select a brush, press S to bring up the Surface Inspector and enter "system/outside" manually and press Enter.


Btw: while following Rich's tutorials keep in mind two things about snow and rain.


1. you don't have to put the effects into each outside brush. It is enough if you put in only one fx_rain or fx_snow (it can be anywhere in the map), and you will get rain or snow in all outside brushes.


2. you can't have (because of the above) rain and snow in different parts of the map at the same time.

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