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Close Encounters of the Indiana Kind

Guest rogstad

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Guest rogstad

I dunno if anyone else has seen this easter egg, but in the secret level... After you trigger the larger boulder to fall to the floor near the end of the level, go back out of the room (instead of continuing forward to the idol) and work your way back up to where the boulder was. You should be able to climb up there. There is a small passage to the right that leads to a room with 5 buttons. Each represents a musical note. Press the buttons in the right order (it will play the tune for Close Encounters of the Third Kind) and a secret door will enter. Inside is a cool little homage to one of Spielburg's classics.

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Guest HenryJones

Rad! Speilberg's my idle! If only I had saved up enough money to buy the map to the secret level. . .sigh. . I guess in order to see anything cool like that I have to restart the game from the beginning, which I don't feel like doing. . .mabye there's a cheat for that level. . .hmmm. . .


-Dr. Henry Jones Sr.

"I can't believe what you just did!"

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