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Hangar Holo Stuff?


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Hey everybody, I'm working on a B-2 Frigate Map and I am doing the hangars, now does anyone know what texture/special method you need to use to make that Blue Holo-looking stuff that is almost like a giant door, theres a great example in the Deathstar level, but I couldn't figure out how to open it in the editor to see how they did it. I did manage to find a few textures from the doomgiver called things like energy and energything. If anyone knows how to do this please help. :)



pH34r /\/\3 /\/\0|-+47!

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You make a brush, texture the "force-field" face of it with something like the "energything" textures (from doomgiver or common, I can't remember), and texture the other five faces of the brush with "nodraw."


You could, of course, make your own shader. Preferably one with the "cull none" property... I'm not sure if "energything" has this.

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