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TR copied off INDY

Guest Nick D

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TR originally copied off INDY (even before his game, she copied off his style, form his movies!) And now INDY is just taking back what is rightfully his!


So NO ONE should say that INDY is copying TR cause he is not! TR copeid off INDY and everyone has known that for some time!





[This message has been edited by Nick D (edited November 25, 1999).]

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Not really. Lucas should have been on the leading edge in the archaeological-adventure gaming field. He lagged, and we get something that's visually better, and a little more well laid out, but essentially the same thing, with slightly less predictable controls.


Unless Lucas makes the effort, Eidos will always be at least a year ahead on the technology. Then Barwood will write a killer plotline and we'll get a good game but not a great one (because being a cool game depends a lot on whether any other game has the technology).



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