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level6-palawan temple-help!

Guest jeff schneider

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Guest jeff schneider

ok i found sophia but i neeed the key to open the cell.also there is a gate and i think you need to push a rock up to the button to hold the bamboo door open,but the only rock is behind the gong. help please!

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Guest jeff schneider

i found the key,now i need a pulley for the cart thing.a map hint took me to a room ,by the bamboo gate,if you climb up,i broke open a wall,there was a room,filled with crates,and a door the can;t be opened.the map hint is pointing to the door,im at the same level, i don't know what to do now.


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Guest jeff schneider

nevermind,im in mexico,but the equipment i bought i did not get and my money was refunded,and i need a poisin kit,so i need a save game file for level 10 the second mexico level. jeffs86@yahoo.com

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