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Just want some thought....


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Hey everyone, been awhile since Ive posted, and no Im not asking a question this time. Im more so looking to see who would be interested in a map Im starting to put on the drawing board. The map is called Hyrule, and it will contain, Kokori forest/lostwood, Hyrule field/lon lon ranch, Zoras fountain/zoras domain, greudo vally/fortress, Kakariko village/grave yard, Death mountain/Goron city, Lake Hylia, and finaly the market/castle/temple of time. Yes I know theres allot of places there, so if I can't forge it into one map, Im going to make it into a map pack. Also if I get really ambishious Im going to try and make it into a sp. So any feed back on what you guys and ladies think would be great.

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yes, the forest is going to be the hardest to do probally, lol thats why Im doing that first. I have an idea on how to create the illusion of a forest so Im going to try that, and also try to find some decent textures of wood, trees, dirt, and what not. I'll post in the showcase forum when I have some screens.

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