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Tip #1: I just wanted everyone to know that reloading the EDITOR you have sometimes helps in fixing a problem WITH the editor that generally SHOULD work. Example: Choppers map. He is trying to use the angles key to change the direction of a model but it just wont work!! So One day he loads his map and the first thing he does is try and angle his model...voila. I told him about restarting the editor. Just yesterday I tried moving my patch meshes and making them smaller. They wouldn't move where I wanted them to go. So I saved the work then reloaded. Voila.....It works now...LOL.

They are funny programs and do very strange things sometimes.


Tip #2: If you want a close to perfect compile and you have compiled several times already, DELETE all the files from previous compiles and start fresh. Sometimes for some reason the old compile loads for testing your map. I don't know why this happens but it does. So DELETE your .prt .srf BSP and spare bak if you get one. Just don't DELETE the autosave or the actual MAP file.


Then what I do in GTk is a BSP (single) META to actually "SET" the BSP. Then I might do a Final or whatever.

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The only reason you should get a different .bsp file loaded upon testing, besides a typographical error on your part ;^) would be if you happen to have a .pk3 file sitting in the base/ folder, and that .pk3 file contains a .bsp file matching the name you typed in at the console. Quake 3 always looks at .pk3 files first, then un-pak'ed directory structure afterward.

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