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Will this System Work?


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Ok here is everything I got.I have no money to upgrade.


Gateway ME

Intel Pentium 4 Processor and Motherboard


128MP RDRAM PC800 Memory

56K PC Voice Modem

40GB 7M Ultra ATA Harddrive

Analog/Digital LCD Display


I don't know where to find the stats aobut my Graphics Card if anyone could help me it would be host appreciated. :p

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I can tell you right now just based off of the ram that no it wont work.


also exactly what kind of Radeon card do you have? I'm guessing its one of the lower end models, which probably wont be able to handle SWG.


upgrade to 512mb of ram and get yourself a Geforce 4 Ti or Radeon 9000 or better and you are set. :)


exactly how fast is your CPU to by the way? Saying you have a Pentium 4 is like saying nothing, there are various speeds of P4's. :)

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