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Crafting/Artisan Experimentation Points

Z Beeblebrox

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Do the artisan experimentation points that you earn while studying Artisan, work with experimenting on items that are only craftable with the elite professions?


For Example,

if I were to become a droid engineer, would the artisan experimentation points that I got while studying artisan help with experimenting on droids, or will only the droid experimentation points help?

Also, will the human experimentation bonus help with my droid experimentation?


-Zaphod Beeblebrox-

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The answer is no.


Artisan exp points count towards only artisan items.


The same applies with elite profession for crafting.


So when you start out in weaponsmith, armorsmith, etc. You have only one measle point.


This brings up the more important question.

Do I try and climb up the ranged weapons crafting tree as fast as I can or should I work with weapon experimentation first?



Here's my answer, if you take weapon experimentation first, you will get a reputation for quality weapons. If you take the latter, you may get a lot of business at first but people will begin to notice how "crappy" your wares are, and go to someone else.


So you need to strike a balance and move up both ladders at the same time.

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I'm hoping that when the space X-pack comes out, that some form of engie will be able to craft them. (Of course, requireing the assistance of a Crafting center) If you could, that would be very cool.


"Daneel Shipyards - Your answer to Imperial Price-gouging."


Hehe. :r2d2:

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