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travel plans


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ok so ill be able to play thursday...so all night lol...and then i have to leave for the weekend...then i have the whole week of...propably all nighters lol...and then i have to travel that weekend and then the day after i get back i have to leave for 2 weeks, wtf should i do, it seems like a waste of my freed month!!!..but i couldnt stand waiting that long to ply...what u think!:snipe1: die travel die!

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Depending on your plan of payment, $15 is not that much to give away to be there for teh opening days.:D


And I will be going to some dumb sand dunes here... I have already been to some pink ones, so why do I have to go to these? Oh, yeah... becasue I do not spend enough time with that unit that lives in the house with... called the, um... FAMILY!!! That would be it. Otherwise, I just do not play on Sundays, except for after 7pm -7 hours GMT.

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