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Oh Wow!


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I am now indept to the developers, take a look at this from the new website.


Monthly Stories


In Mid-July 2003 we will kick begin the prologue to our first monthly story arc, "The Cries of Alderaan". Our goal is to provide featured quests that virtually any player can take part in. Your success or failure may sway the direction of the overall storyline.


WOW. That sounds alot like the spontaneous quests of Ultima Online except that this time it may affect the overall storyline and the direction it takes. Does this mean each Galaxy may be running a different storyline depending on the success or failure of these monthly events?


Will be darn cool to watch unfold that is for sure. Can't wait to hear more about this new feature.

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Well I'm dissapointed they will not be doing spontaneous quests. I thought at first that battlefields would be controlled by Game Masters, people looking over the entire game and able to manipulate it(forcing spawns mostly), but now I hear they are just placed in static locations on each planet. This is just poor gameplay, and I really hope they change this to make it spontaneous depending on the situation at the certain area.


For example. If a group of rebels is rather large(lets say, 20) and they enter a large mass in Tatooine that is relatively low in population(lets say, barren), then the game will spawn an Imperial Base somewhere in the distance away from this band of Rebels. All planetary Imperials will recieve a message stating something of the effect, "At these coordinates(coordinates displayed) an Imperial position is being overrun by Rebel Scum. For the sake of Imperial influence on Tatooine we need all Imperials to make their way to the listed coordinates to fight off this apparent attack by the Rebellion."


Then the battlefield is created and a countdown begins. During this countdown any local Rebels can join the fight and the architects of each group can begin to build Turrets, minefields, etc. And all the other players can gather anything they think will help in the battle. Then the commanders of the teams can begin telling the battle plan to his troops, and after the countdown ends the battle for this spot of land begins. When the battle is won, the victor either keeps the base already there, or if the Rebels won, the architect(if there is one, if not, the Deed is given to highest ranking Rebel in the group) will be given a deed to a Large Rebel Base which they can place inside this Battlefield.


Something like this would be much better then what they currently have, which is just enter this piece of land when it activates for no reason and fight for no reason.


These storylines sound very very interesting though, I especially like the title of this first one, "The Cries of Alderaan". It tells me this quest, these events, will have something to do with what happened in Alderaan and perhaps the events that happened immediately after this. Will be very interesting to see what happens indeed. I just hope they follow through with this possible storyline changing depending on the successes and failures of the events. If not, it will be yet another happening inside the game that has little meaning when all is said and done.

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I actually like the fixed battle zones. One of the issues that bugged me the most about Anarchy Online was that if there were 'Notum' towers in an area, it could go PvP mode, even if it was well within the political territory of your side. I look forward to being able to walk around the towns without getting shot at. Of course, PvP isn't my style.


I guess 'cest la vie. :r2d2:

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