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Why I am still glad I preorderd


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Yes even though I am not able to play I am still glad I prepaid and paid for overnight shipping.


I am not mad, disappointed to be sure but I have already been looking forward to this for years and I can wait a little longer.


I also have SWG installed in my computer, I got to the character creation screen once and after constant errors that was exciting.


I have the game so I can browse the manual in my leasiure. The box is cool it even has velcro. VELCRO. Indeed.


I also know that when it is up and running I will be able to play it.

I am confident that the DEVS are doing every thing to resolve this issue ASAP. I also know that they are a hell of a lot more disappointed and stressed out than any of us could possibly be.


I'm going to crash and perhaps I will be able to play tommorow.

If not I am still the proud owner of Star Wars Galaxies An Empire Divided. I am in on the ground floor of what in my humble opinion will be the start of the greatest MMORPG ever made.


And did I mention the VELCRO???


Good luck all

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I hear you but seeing you talk about the coolness of the velcro just scares me a little lol. Get pissed off, its your right as the customer. As long as tonights issue is resolved and does not repeat itself tomorrow I will be alright.


I think they will have the issue fixed in an hour or so(speaking as of 11:43pm CT) if they can figure out the problem with their Oracle servers. I still trust the devs a little bit so I will listen to that "it never happened in beta" line with atleast a half open ear.


I've been waiting too long for this crap to happen like this though. It is too much of a tease to have the music playing right now and not being able to log in and play the game.

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I say we all give the Devs some credit, this isnt their fault...Hell they're probbally working so hard right now trying to fix the servers. Since the morning...Well anyways I saw we all give the Devs credit and all go nite nite and wake up and play hard lol.:cool:

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