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Sugesstions for Graphics/terrain settings????


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As many games these days test your system and set the graphical performance accordingly, I noticed SWG does not. As it it a visually rich but demanding game to run, I was hoping people could offer some sugesstions for the graphical/terrain slider settings in the game. For me (and feel free to post your own), my specs are:


P4 2.53

Gforce 4600Ti

512 DDR Ram


....can I bumb up the default settings a little? a lot? any ideas???


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you should be able to max the graphical settings in SWG without a problem.


my system specs are:


Athlon 2600

1gig DDR Ram

Radeon 9700 pro


I got the game running at 1280x1024 with the detail on full for everything and i'm not running into any frame rate problems.

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