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Beta-Testers: Will this template be viable for PvP?


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Foremost my end goal is to be a Master Smuggler. I know that this profession is pretty much useless now, but the reason that I want to do it is for the cool/style factor, and a bit of RP.


However I want to be a decent abled character, and I know that Smuggler isnt really where that is ATM.


I started out as an artisan, so that I could get a steady credit base to work with. I have a good 20000 or so credits now to work with, so I dropped artisan.


My goal is to first master pistoling under the Marksman tree, and then Master the Pistoleer tree. I am not sure if pistoleers are any good, Logic would say that the pistoleer is a substandard weapon to the rifle or carbine, but I am not sure if this is true ( would be nice if someone could give me an empirical answer ).


After I Master pistoleer I will work the unarmed combat prereqs for the Smuggler class.


Then I will master Dirty Fighting under the Smuggler skill tree.


Thats a total of 112 points. I am not quite sure what to do with the rest at this time. I definatly want to master smuggler which is going to be another 43 points but I am not sure if i want to do it yet.


112+43 = 155 leaves me with 95 points left. I could master the TK artist tree or go into merchant like old school smugglers. I really cant decide. Is TK artist any good? Is it redundant for a master pistoleer? I could stick with artisan and be a weaponsmith too, kind of a black market weapons dealer sort of thing, that would be cool.


Thanks for the help guys

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Ok, first of all mastering the marksman skill is pretty much useless since you'd be far better off focussing on a single weapon type for the elite. Afterall the elite skills are usually enough to counter balance the fact that you only use one weapon type, the different weapon types only really have leanings towards damaging certain pools anyway plus their ranges aren't drastic enough for you to be crippled by anything unless it's in your face with you holding a rifle or a carbine.


But before we look at revisions lets check on what you wanted originally.


master marksman

master pistoleer

master smuggler


Also you need some brawler skills, i think unarmed is the pre-req for smuggler, so off goes another 29 points for that.


So you have:

29 (brawler, unarmed)


77 (master marksman)


63 (master pistoleer)


63 (master smuggler)


coming to a total of: 232


I think you forgot that each starting profession costs 15 points to get started on it and you have 2 of them while one was free the other isn't. Going for an whole tree is 62 points plus either an additional 7 for the elites or an addtional 16 for the starters.


Check the math if you want:

2+3+4+5 = 14 (the actual trees)

14 x 4 = 56 (all four trees)

6 + 1 = 7 (elite, start and end))

15 + 6 = 21 (starter, start and end)




56 + 7 = 63 (for an elite mastery)

56 + 21 = 77 (for a starter mastery)


Now this means you have 18 points to play around with. Thats enough for an entire tree inside a profession you already have or you can buy a starting profession and get three first level boxes or go up two boxes on a single tree.


Personally since you are really not much different than a chef I'd recommend taking artisan and going up the survaying tree so that you are somewhat self supplying for your resources, alternatively you can take 2 boxes from the engineering tree and use your slicing skills to make some exceptionally good CDEF guns for newbies.


But as i said, you'd be better of simply ditching the master marksman and sticking with master pistoleer as it's going to take a long time anyway since the first step on the pistoleer profession requires 175'000 exp. And it tended to double as you went up the levels if i remember correctly in beta.

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You'll probably still want to take all of the ranged support skills since the top one is 'suppressive fire' which has the effect of forcing your target into a lower stance, that means they go from standing to crouching which is more usefull than it might sound as it means they cannot move towards now to attack if they are melee fighters.


Combine that with a partner who is attacking and you can hold the target at bay while your ally who is also ranged pounds on them until it's dead. Very usefull.


Since you'll have 28 points free then I don't know what you'll want to spend them on. You can try TKA if you want but frankly if you're taking pistoleer you'll be causing more damage at close range anyway so it makes TKA kinda pointless. Give artisan a try as i said, take engineering up to full and try Weaponsmithing. Combined with your slicer skills which can further modify the weapons after they are made you'll have gone from being a simple smuggler to a Gunrunner :) Now there's something worth roleplaying.

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