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Stuck in Level 14 Nub's Tomb- Electrocuting Bulbous & Water

Guest Allan_Quatermain

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Guest Allan_Quatermain

Alright. I've figured out how to retract the Electrocuting Bulbous thingy back into the ceiling and to lower the water. When I jump into the water to the crevice entrance below- I need some sort of key or device to open the lock w/ the 2 little gray prongs sticking out. I noticed that there was another lock just like this on the level above. Where is the key/device or what do I do? Thanks.

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They key to open the door is the next machine part located way at the top of the thing in the middle of the room. You need to get onto the platform and work your way to the top of the THING (whatever it is) Once you get the machine part, you can then open the door by using it on the lock.





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