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Help on a Brawler (looking to be a smuggler)


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i am gonna get the game later tonight maybe and i have some questions about my race and "job" persay...


Im thinking either Doshan or Human brawler, id go with the Wookie but it cant speak and cant wear armour so its out....


me and CurseofMandos want to start a smuggling ring and he is going to be a Marksman...

what race should i be for a brawler?

what other stats should i work on for smuggling?

will my melee and his marksmanship suck for leveling together?



any word on ships yet?

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The species you pick really don't have that drastic an effect on your player, you need to learn the facts before you start forwards planning. Wookies CAN speak but they can only speak Shiryywook thus for you to talk to other people normally they need to be able to understand your language. Since you are able to teach your language to anyone there really isn't any obstacle. Also the /tells use a universal language so you are still able to speak to people even if they don't understand wookie.


I'm not sure about them not being able to wear armour, I'm almost certain that I've seen wookie players going around with brestplates and to be perfectly frank armour is NOT essential to combat whatsoever, all of the way through beta i never wore a single bit of armour and only ever died a total of TWICE. It's a simple case of using your brain for a change and picking your fights carefully instead of running screaming at the nearest large animnal with pointy teeth with no idea of what you're up against.


There is also personal sheild generators which are armour, these can be worn by anyone but they are currently hard to make becase only master artisans can make some of the needed components, that is something the devs need to address because you rarely see someone mastering the artisan profession which limits the production of personal shielding devices.


For smuggling you actually only need pistol specialist, i was quite surprized that they dropped the artisan bussiness requirements actually since it made perfect sence for a smuggler to need some bussiness skills.


Any word of ships?


Yes actually, the word is that you won't see them until the first quarter of next year at the earliest plus the devs haven't even got any solid plans for that expansion pack other than if you want it then you need to pay for the software from a retail outlet.

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thanks that was rather helpful...... its good to know that race doesnt have much to do with anything in SWG.


so you do need pistoling t smuggle.... that makes sense, i can work with that.... ive always been a fan of the blaster anyhow.


thanks for your response:fett:

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